If you’re a contract manager or director of an asbestos removal company looking to streamline your operations with an asbestos site management app, why not book in one of our free demonstrations to learn more about Phoenix Asbestos Software?

Every Wednesday from the 12th of March to the 16th of April, our team will be running online demonstrations of Phoenix Asbestos Software via Teams. To book a demo, please fill in the contact form below with your details. We look forward to hearing from you!


Data Storage

Phoenix Asbestos Software is the affordable, straight-forward, portable and paperless asbestos site management app that streamlines the process of post-project administration duties for asbestos removal teams. But, that’s not all! Phoenix Asbestos Software also consists of:

  • Site daily checks with photographic evidence
  • Capturing live signatures for site teams for various items such as plan of works, risk assessments, smoke tests, project completion reports, etc.
  • Providing up to date real time reporting of the site checks
  • Training and equipment certification specific to project at request
  • Statutory health and safety forms on demand
  • Real time reports can be issued by administration at the push of a button
  • Training record management of site employees
  • Audit data capture to allow for identification of trends on sites
Asbestos Site Management App